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Foraco is a specialist in drilling wells for drinking, irrigation and industrial water, having drilled over 36,000 water production wells in all types of geological formations ranging from 20 metres to 2,000 metres in depth. Foraco carries out a wide range of projects including:

  • large-scale rural water drilling programs in western Africa, some of which have developed as many as 500 wells per project;
  • highly-specialized drilling projects to access mineral water, utilizing sanitary protection methods, and large diameter well fields in urban and suburban environments.

Foraco is experienced in a number of techniques used in drilling for water, as well as in techniques involved in the inspection, servicing and rehabilitation of existing wells. This breadth of specialization enables us to offer an integrated package of services to our customers, including turn-key contracts for water production and initial distribution systems in rural or semi-urban areas of developing countries. Increasing access to clean water for millions of people is a global concern, especially in the world’s developing regions. In addition, environmental and social pressures dictate that new and innovative solutions be found for the supply of water in the developed world, demanding the responsible use of ground water as an alternative. A study by the World Bank in 2003 estimated that between 2000 and 2015, 1.5 billion people will require an improved water supply. Foraco estimates that Africa will lead the expansion of this industry with substantial growth of more than 10% per annum over the next decade. Since 1961, through Foraco’s work in western Africa, 18 million people now have access to clean drinking water. Foraco also has a substantial presence in the environmental and infrastructure sectors, primarily in Europe. We are one of only three European drilling contractors that has worked on tunnel geological exploration and geotechnical measures over the last 10 years. Foraco has worked on large infrastructure projects such as the France-Italy train tunnel near Modane, the Brenner Tunnel between Austria and Italy, and the Pertuis Tunnel between France and Spain.